Wednesday 23 March 2016


Well Hello...LOOOONG time no see!

Last year saw me out of 'Blog land' action while I was moving house.. four times... but enough of that! I'm back with a vengeance and am so happy to be joining in here again.

Today I am showing you my (very cluttered for me) desk! You can see there are several small piles of bits and bobs stacked up on the desk. This is because I was recently finishing off my Grand-daughter Ambers Simple Stories Snap Album for her first year.

I had taken a lot of my stash downstairs and worked on it in front of the TV, and when I carried it back upstairs again, I put it into small piles of stuff to make it easier for carrying.

If I'm honest, there isn't enough creativity in these books for my liking so, unless I get more Grandchildren, I can't see me making these very often. I am trying to learn how to upload the video to You Tube but so far the technology is evading me! Lol

Anyway.. thanks for stopping by.. do stop by again soon.




  1. Welcome back. Your desk is not cluttered...I can show you cluttered!! LOL
    Have a great day!
    Diane - WOYWW #32

  2. You wouldn't want to see "cluttered" as per my desk LOL
    Have a good week.
    Toni xx

  3. Your desk is very neat! Unless you're hiding that clutter lol.

    I hate moving. It is very stressful and takes a lot of energy. Glad you're settled - at least for a while!

    Sharon K #51

  4. Yes I think you're hiding stuff! Your desk doesn't look cluttered at all though the word clutter may mean different things to different people. Maybe my desk is just chaos rather than clutter Lol! Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 23
