Wednesday 1 June 2016


Morning from a wet Kent, UK again today

By now you will have realised I'm back in the throes of getting involved with the What's on Your Workdesk Wednesdays.. don't know what I mean? Well head on over to Lunch Lady Jans blog for more info.

Now today I'm going to have to keep it very brief as I am uber busy.. and I will have to visit your desks later on.. but for now here is my, uber tidy desk! That's because I wrecked its tidiness yesterday and so I had a major clear up in there when I had finished on account that I have a visitor today that I wanted to show it off to! Lol That's two weeks running it's been tidy! It's a miracle...

I am just loving my new shelves by hubby built me last month.. and.. I've still got more room for more lovely stash.

Now I already blogged the two layouts I made on Monday.. so I don't have anything in progress to show you but here is a mini canvas I made last week.. I will do a separate post about how I made it as I don't have time now.. but here it is anyway.

Have a nice visit and I look forward to hearing from you all. I'll be by to visit you soon.. I promise.



  1. I'm in lurrrve with your gorgeous storage....blimey, that makes me sound my age, but it's true! I would love to have a nosey around those drawers, seeing what's stashed away. I bet you know where everything is...I hate wasting time searching for stuff so I'm organised too!
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  2. A lovely crafting area & so organised now with the shelf unit. Pretty canvas Elaine.
    Happy woyww Jill #17

  3. oh my, HOW tidy!!!! Helen #10

  4. Your work space looks beautifully organised and matching. My space is all bits of left over furniture but it seems to work. The mini canvas is soo pretty.
    sandra de #36

  5. Wonderful looking work space :) the canvas is Beautiful . Soojay 41 xx

  6. Hi Elaine, your craft room is looking great, and that project is amazing. Love all the texture you've got into it. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #18 xx

  7. Such a beautiful workspace. Your canvas is so pretty. Happy Wednesday! LisaDV #38

  8. That is a fantastically clean desk. I love all the drawers - great for storage. Your canvas in wonderful.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #5

  9. Looking very tidy there - and that canvas is truly lovely.

  10. it would take me a month of Sundays before my desk was tidy enough to show to a visitor LOL
    The canvas looks lovely.
    Toni xx

  11. Great shelves. Great desk. And so tidy. :-) The card is lovely as well.
    April #39

  12. I am so impressed with the tidy desk - and all those shelves are just great!! What a delightful canvas you have worked on. It's lovely. Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #15
